Hence, after taking the telecom sector with a storm, now Reliance Jio which is especially known for its high-speed free internet, free voice calls and SMS is preparing to launch new feature phone with a price as low as Rs. 500. Yes, it may sound crazy but, it’s true, as this feature phone series from Reliance Jio are expected to launch soon this year 2017. According to the The Economic Times reports the HSBC director and telecoms analyst Rajiv Sharma, stated that “Jio is likely to price its 4G feature phone at a paltry Rs 500 to lure 2G subscribers to directly switch to 4G, which implies Jio subsidising each handset by as much as $10-15 (Rs 650-975)”. But, guess what is the more interesting thing about this subject? According to The Economic Times, the Reliance Jio Telecom will launch this new phone around Reliance Industries’ annual general meeting which is expected to take place on July 21 2017. Further, the company itself recently confirmed that it has over 100 million subscribers right now and has been considered as a data-first service, and its 4G plans start for as low as Rs. 19 along with the free voice calls and access to premium Jio apps. As we all know that Reliance Jio’s service works only with 4G-enabled handsets. The Counterpoint Research Associate Director, Tarun Pathak stated that “Aggressive 4G offerings from free trials to one of world’s lowest priced 4G data plans bundled with the bouquet of applications and content services, Jio has driven the purchase intention strongly in its favor in just six months”. So, the company knows very well that with its 4G VoLTE-Enabled phone, it could simply attract massive numbers users and it can also expand its 4G service as well. Now, it seems that Jio will once again hit the market with a huge storm in the coming months. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


OMG  Reliance Jio Launching 4G VoLTE Phone At Just Rs 500 - 91OMG  Reliance Jio Launching 4G VoLTE Phone At Just Rs 500 - 23OMG  Reliance Jio Launching 4G VoLTE Phone At Just Rs 500 - 14