Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling

The method is quite straightforward and easy, and you will be just using a simple app that will allow you to easily reply the texts messages with your location. So follow the below step to proceed.

Steps To Reply to Texts with your Location while Travelling:

  1. As we all know that for almost every of the amazing tricks and functions to be done other than the custom features on Android, you need to install third party apps and in this case also you will be installing the great App called “Locate Driver” from the Google play store on your Android device.
  2. Now the very another thing that you be doing is that you will have to launch up the Locate Driver app on your device and then inside that app you need to Set up a Keyword that will be a code word for the other users to whom this app will be sharing your location. After setting up your keyword that can be anything like space, punctuation marks, etc just go for the another step.
  3. You can then set up to 4 messages that shall be the corresponding message responses to your trusted users who will send you the messages with the specific keyword. The message responses can be Map location, GPS information, etc. And you are done almost hence you can tap on the ‘Ok‘ button.
  4. At last, there comes the way by which you can share your location details while not even touching your Device. To do that up you won’t need to do anything but the other side text message sender will have to work on. He/she will have to include that short keyword that you need to set in this app in the text message, and after the app detects up the keyword it will automatically send up the location details to the sender. So above discussion is all about Reply to Texts with your Location while Travelling. Locate Driver is an amazingly simple app that makes the work of text replying messages with the location details much easier. There is nothing else that you will ever need to do that same task, and you should also not bother about the app always running behind as this app will only become active whenever you get up any new message on your device. So that’s all about this app and the method!


How to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling - 22How to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling - 42How to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling - 39How to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling - 2How to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling - 17How to Reply to Texts with your Location while Traveling - 26